Sunday, June 16, 2013


     When you see that person again, that you had such stong feeling for. Those feelings that may still be in your heart, and when you first see them after days of not seeing them when you would see each other every other day seems to play out in slow motion. You don't know what your reaction will be or what theirs will be. You might hold back some tears and have to force a smile on your face. It's crazy how you feel so close to someone and then feel so distant. 

     All the momeries play out in your mind of all the good times you shared and how things could simply just end from one day to another in a blink of an eye. You find yourself wondering how and when things went wrong. When did it all stay going down hill, to come to this sudden stop, that ended in a broken heart, and that still skips a beat when that person is near.

     Did you do something wrong? What could it have been? It's even harded to figure out when your told your the best girlfriend they had or that you treated him so well that he didnt deserve it. With time they'll realize the mistake they made and by then it will be too late, because the person they let go will be with someone else or have moved on.

     I've accepted  it's all over and I alway say "Never Say Never"  But I would be scared if in the future he told me he wanted to try things again. He did tell me that maybe in the future we could get back together but there's no hoping or believing. I realized that  he's not ready or capable right now of loving me or maybe he does but doesn't realize it or he's scared to express his feeling because he's scared of getting hurt but in the end I was the one to end up hurt. 

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