Monday, June 3, 2013


      Can't believe it's already June. Time just keeps passing, it has its ups and downs. Everyone has rough days and we just have to take one day at time, there is light a the end of the tunnel. So if your going through a rough time right now don't give up, the next day will be better and if not the next. Things can only get better.

     I believe things happen for a reason. Just the way a story unfolds as its being told. The other day, I hear in a movie. "Life is not a book, it could end any second" it's true but yet life is like a book there are chapters in our life and when we have rough  times in our life we have to close that chapter and move on to the next and not just give up and close the whole book. 

   I feel like I'm just rambling on now. I've been though rough moments and know that it's hard but I keep my head up and smile because there is no reason why I should let what I'm going though bring me down. Yes it hurts and it's hard to forget and even more when you wish everything could be okay but it's not, making it hurt even more. But I've accepted what happened and realized that I'll be okay with time and that I tried my best and if things didnt work out it wasn't my fault. I didn't give up. I tried to make it work and accepted him for him because that's what love is about. Accepting the person for who they are. Things ended for one reason or another and it might have been for a good reason.

     Things weren't meant to be or things weren't going to work out, or simply I wasn't suppose to be with that person for the rest of my life. I know they say ex's can't be friends. But I said I wanted to stay friends but now looking back at everything it hurts that he gave up and didnt think about working on things. So now, I don't know what I want anymore, one thing I am sure about is that we can't try again. Because I've gaven second chances before and that was a mistake that only left me hurting even more.

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